Friday, September 20, 2013

Come meet David Beckett!  David will be holding a book signing on October 5th from 11:30 - 1:30 at The Twig Bookstore, located in the Historic Pearl Brewery in San Antonio.  (Details below.)  There will be a Ninja Party for kids earlier that morning, and The Pearl Brewery's Farmers Market will be going on until 1:00. So, in just one trip you can find something yummy at the farmers market, bring kids to the Ninja Party, and take home a signed copy of David's novel, The Cana Mystery!

The Twig Bookstore
306 Pearl Parkway, Ste. 106
San Antonio, Texas  78215
(210) 826-6411


Thanks to The Twig Independent Bookstore and to all fans and readers who dropped by today.  Sorry we sold out of The Cana Mystery paperbacks!  More available tomorrow.  Twig management says we set the single-day store record for most books sold!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Cana Mystery was just reviewed in MENSA Magazine:

"Recommended: The Cana Mystery

In Dan Brown's most recent novel, 'brilliant' characters lecture us about overpopulation, ozone depletion, global warming, and other perils.  Sadly, the dialogue suggests Brown may not understand the very problems he proposes to resolve.  By contrast, David Beckett's new thriller, The Cana Mystery (Tuscany Press, 2013), approaches these topics from a more informed and more historically-accurate perspective.  The book will appeal to Mensan readers who enjoy Brown's potboilers but dislike his infamous, overblown style.  Less purple than Brown's, Beckett's prose has drawn acclaim, winning the 1997 Willie Morris Award for Editorial Excellence.  The Cana Mystery's plot incorporates the Boston terror attacks, Pope Benedict's resignation, Pope Francis's election, the NSA, the Occupy movement, and the downfall of Prime Minister Berlusconi.  Its narrative is spiced with anagrams, riddles, codes, and literary/cultural allusions; Beckett's film library clearly includes The Godfather, Casablanca, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc.  Meanwhile, readers more inclined to enjoy Shakespeare or even Goethe might spot the occasional connection."

September, 2013
MENSA Magazine
South Texas